Frequently asked

Learn more about Jetseed through catalog of questions and answers

Pettysave is now Jetseed


General questions about Jetseed like how to sign up, navigate and track your activities.


Common questions about our savings plans, the benefits of each plan and how best they can work for you.


How do you get money into your Jetseed account? Find out about using your debit card(s) and making transfers in this section.


Thinking about how secure of your funds, bank details and transactions are on Jetseed? Well, so are we! Find out here.


All you need to know about transferring on Jetseed, from savings plans to investment plans and wallet.

Referral (Share & Earn)

This explains how we reward you for referring others to save and invest towards financial freedom on Jetseed.


Want to be an official Jetseed ambassador and earn even more for referring others? This will help you understand how to become a successful one.