Learn more about Jetseed through catalog of questions and answers
General questions about Jetseed like how to sign up, navigate and track your activities.
Common questions about our savings plans, the benefits of each plan and how best they can work for you.
How do you get money into your Jetseed account? Find out about using your debit card(s) and making transfers in this section.
Thinking about how secure of your funds, bank details and transactions are on Jetseed? Well, so are we! Find out here.
All you need to know about transferring on Jetseed, from savings plans to investment plans and wallet.
Transfers on Jetseed usually take less than 3 mins but allow a 2hrs wait period if you don't receive the money in your designated bank account in less than 3 minutes. If you still haven't receive the transferred funds after 2hrs, please contact support via support@jetseed.com.
Transfers from your wallet to your bank account is free.Every savings plan is unique and has some conditions regarding transferring funds. You can transfer to your wallet or to your bank account via the autosave and target save plans. See conditions for transfer below.
Autosave Plan
Autosave plans allow you to save in 3-months intervals after which can choose to withdraw on the "Free transfer dates" or skip that cycle and keep saving. Trying to transfer outside a free transfer date will attract a 5% penalty for breaking the saving plan. Autosave plans have an option to lock the plan in order to enforce full discipline and ensure you reach your goals. You will not be able to transfer once you lock your autosave plan until the set end-date and sure the end date you set is on or before your desired transfer date as the plan is still subject to free transfers only on free transfer dates.
If your set end date does not fall on our free transfer dates then your savings plan is till subject to 5% Penalty fee on withdrawals.
The Free transfer dates are
March 31st, June 30th, September 30th, December 31st for autosave plans.
If you are yet to link your BVN to your Jetseed account, you will only be able to transfer to a Jetseed user or bank account twice a day. The maximum you can transfer is ₦50,000 per day.
If you have linked your BVN, you can withdraw as much as you want from your wallet or savings plan (as long as it is not locked or does not have a set end date) but not more than twice a day.
In order to pay interests, Jetseed invests your savings in several Investment options and requires you to save consistently to earn you interests on your savings. Every savings plan is crafted to cater for different financial scenarios. We help you enforce discipline as well as ensure there is enough funds to be put to work. Hence why the penalty charge is required to:
This explains how we reward you for referring others to save and invest towards financial freedom on Jetseed.
Want to be an official Jetseed ambassador and earn even more for referring others? This will help you understand how to become a successful one.